2024-25 NDIS Pricing Updates Released

We share some key pricing changes in the 2024-25 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits
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NDIS pricing updates are here. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has released the 2024-25 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits published by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) outlines pricing rules and maximum prices for supports. The price list is reviewed and published annually to assist NDIS participants and disability support providers.
We share some key pricing changes below:
Price Limits for supports up by 3.19%
The price limits for supports delivered by disability support workers will adjust by 3.19% on 1 July 2024. This is due to the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) National Minimum Wage decision to raise minimum award wages by 3.75%.
The NDIA uses the Disability Support Worker Cost Model to determine price limits for supports delivered by disability support workers.
Level 1 support connection is indexed in line with this model and will therefore also incur the price limit increase.
This is in line with the NDIA’s commitment to fully implementing the FWC’s decision to increase minimum wages in awards and superannuation, ensuring providers can fairly compensate their workers.
Temporary Transformation Payment ends 1 July
Temporary Transformation Payment or TTP is percentage loading on top of the current price control limit. This pricing boost was introduced by the NDIS from July 2019 to assist NDIS registered providers in transitioning to the NDIS system and funding model. Leora charged TTP rates previously.
The TTP for disability support worker-related supports ends on 1 July 2024. Providers will no longer be able to claim the TTP loading for services delivered on or after this date.
Adjusting for both the minimum award changes and TTP ending, NDIS participants will see a minor 1.7% increase to Leora’s prices for Disability Support Worker-related supports. This aligns us with the 2024/25 NDIS Price Guide.
Price limits increase for other supports
For nursing and other supports not covered by Disability Support Worker-related supports or Capital supports, the price limits will increase on 1 July 2024 based on how much wages and the cost of living have gone up.
Price limits for Psychologists will also increase, but there will be no changes for other therapies.
There will be no changes to the existing pricing arrangements for support coordination levels 2 and 3 and plan management.
Cancellation policy changes
The short-notice cancellation policy for non-Disability Support Worker-related supports will change from seven days to two clear business days.
The short-notice cancellation period for Disability Support Worker-related supports will remain at seven days.
Leora Healthcare has kept our cancellation policy unchanged where clients can continue to provide 24 hours’ notice if they wish to cancel a service without incurring charges.
A new pricing approach by 2025
In a statement, the NDIA said that they aim to deliver a new pricing approach by 2025 “that ensures the market can support the diverse needs of NDIS participants and the Scheme’s ongoing sustainability.”
The Agency will be appointing an independent expert to oversee a review of the NDIS pricing structure.
Leora Price Guide 2024-25
In accordance with our clients’ Services Agreement, Leora Healthcare will be charging fees based on the price limits specified in the updated NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, which came into effect on 1 July 2024.
For more information about the new price limits, visit the NDIS website.
If you have questions about this update or would like to know more about our disability care services, please feel free to reach out to our team!
The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits came into effect on 1 July 2024. While the NDIA has introduced changes to the cancellation policy, Leora Healthcare has kept our cancellation policy unchanged – participants can continue to provide 24 hours’ notice if they wish to cancel a service without incurring charges.