Our Home Care Package client Radha is thankful for Petronella’s support

Radha, who has a number of health issues, has come a long way in her recovery with the support of her care team at Leora Healthcare.
After her husband passed away in the mid-2000s, Radha moved from the Hunter Valley to an apartment in Liverpool. This was where she welcomed the Leora team when we visited her one afternoon.
Radha has a number of health issues, but fortunately support worker Petronella is there to provide companionship and support.
“She is a very lovely carer and she knows my needs,” Radha shares. “She’s very understanding, very caring and loving, and supportive.”
‘My carer is like a doctor to me’
Petronella began her ongoing shift when Radha was still at Liverpool Hospital, and continued to provide assistance after Radha was discharged.
A Level 2 Home Care Package (HCP) recipient, Radha receives a government subsidy that enables her to pay for services and remain living independently at home for as long as possible.
Home Care Package is provided through My Aged Care, which assists older people and their families access and navigate government-funded aged care services.
Australians aged 65 years or older (or 50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) who are eligible can access in-home care under HCP.
‘You’ve got the right person’
“Now they have discharged me completely in the care of Leora,” Radha says. “I am dependent on my carers, as much as I was dependent before on my doctors and nurses. So now there are no more doctors and nurses – my carer is like a doctor to me, she’s like a nurse to me, a professional specialist for me.”
This comment makes Petronella smile. She holds a Cert IV in Leisure and Health and has been supporting a diverse range of clients for Leora Healthcare since 2019.
“It just goes to show that if you’ve got the right person and the right understanding, you know how to treat the client.”
In addition to Petronella, Radha is supported by a whole care team: Operations Manager Glayjo Joseph, Care Manager Subash Ramasamy, with her Care Coordinator.
Radha’s road to recovery
Radha finds crowded and noisy environments overwhelming, and has been battling exhaustion following her hospital stay, but Petronella is happy to share that Radha has now come a long way in her recovery.
“She’s going to concerts!” she says. “We went to Ed Sheeran’s concert.” Petronella also assists Radha out in the community, such as when she visits family or goes to restaurants. “Just to witness how happy it makes her, and I think she used to enjoy this when she was younger and used to do it with her husband.”
“I’m very happy to have her,” Radha says. “I should say she is like family to me, because I don’t have any children. I hope that she stays healthy and strong. I pray to God for her good health.”
To learn more about Home Care Packages and Leora Healthcare, please visit our page or contact 1300 65 11 33.