Quality Care from Leora: Our ISO 9001 and NDIS Certifications

As an ISO 9001 certified company, Leora provide services that meet strict quality management standards. The ISO 9001:2015 standard (the most recent version) is the internationally benchmarked quality management system standard used by organisations of all sizes and industries.
You may have already noticed our ISO 9001 and NDIS certification logos on our website footer.
But what do they mean, exactly?
In this article, we’ll discuss what they mean for us as an organisation and for you as an Leora client.
ISO 9001 Certification
As an ISO 9001 certified company, Leora provide services that meet strict quality management standards.
The ISO 9001:2015 standard (the most recent version) is the internationally benchmarked quality management system standard used by organisations of all sizes and industries.
The standard requirements include:
- Leadership commitment, including ensuring that quality policy and objectives are in place and clearly communicating roles and responsibilities
- Addressing risks and opportunities
- Ensuring sufficient resources are allocated
- Demonstrating process capability as specified by client requirements
According to Anna Lira, Leora Quality and Risk Manager:
Certifying to this standard demonstrates a focus on our clients, a commitment to service and continuous improvement of our business processes.
The quality of our services and processes are validated by an independent third party, SAI Global.
The pathway to certification is a rigorous, multi-stage audit and testing process. Our certification logo from SAI Global means that we provide our services to the highest possible standard.
NDIS Certification
Leora is also certified compliant with the NDIS Practice Standards.
All NDIS providers need to be audited against the NDIS Practice Standards to ensure consistent, sustainable and quality services are delivered to all participants.
The NDIS Practice Standards specify the quality standards to be met by registered providers. The full text of the standards and quality indicators can be found here.
This is a huge document, but here is an example:
Service Agreements with Participants
Outcome: Each participant has a clear understanding of the supports they have chosen and how they will be provided.
To achieve this outcome, NDIS providers need to demonstrate several quality indicators, including collaboration with the participant to create the service agreement and support for the participant to understand their agreement.
SAI Global conducts the audit against the NDIS Practice Standards. To conduct an audit, auditors need to be able to:
- access system documentation such as policies, procedures, and instructions.
- access files for participants and staff
- conduct interviews with staff and participants
The NDIS Certification is awarded for a maximum of three years and needs to be renewed.
We’re proud to share that Leora received successful re-certification in 2022!
Receive high-level, quality care from Leora Healthcare
Leora is experienced in caring for NDIS participants or icare clients with high care needs.
Reach out to us for a chat by calling 1300 65 11 33 or by filling out our form.