What happens to my NDIS plan when I turn 65?

If you are an NDIS participant when you turn 65, you can stay in the NDIS. We present other options available to you to receive support.
As a registered provider of both NDIS and aged care services, we often get asked this question. It’s normal to worry about how you will receive services and support as you get older. In this post, let’s discuss what happens to your NDIS plan when you turn 65.
Why 65?
The age of 65 is the NDIS age limit. If you or your loved ones are aged between 7 and 65, a local area coordinator or LAC can help you apply for the NDIS and connect with supports.
Can I apply to join the NDIS after I turn 65?
If you are older than 65, you will not be able to join the NDIS. However, you may be able to access government assistance in other ways, such as through the Commonwealth aged care system.
Leora is a registered provider of Home Care Packages, provided through My Aged Care, which allows you to receive ongoing support at home that is subsidised by the Australian government.
What if I turn 65 while I’m an NDIS participant?
Let’s say you applied for and got approved for an NDIS plan well before your 65th birthday. When you turn 65, you can stay in the NDIS.
This is because the NDIS guarantees lifetime support.
According to one of the guiding principles of the NDIS Act:
People with disability and their families and carers should have certainty that people with disability will receive the care and support they need over their lifetime
So if you turn 65 while on the Scheme, you don’t need to apply for or change anything, unless you request changes during your periodic plan assessments with the NDIA. Your services and supports will continue as they did before you turned 65.
What if I turn 65 while an NDIS participant, and my circumstances change?
If you move into residential aged care or begin receiving home care on a permanent basis after you turn 65, you will cease to be an NDIS participant.
Section 29(1)(b) of the NDIS ACT states:
A person ceases to be a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme launch when…the person enters a residential care service on a permanent basis, or starts being provided with home care on a permanent basis, and this first occurs only after the person turns 65 years of age
The NDIA can also revoke your participant status if you no longer meet the residence, disability or early intervention NDIS eligibility criteria, e.g. if you move overseas permanently.
To get funding under the NDIS, you must:
- Have a permanent disability that significantly affects your ability to take part in day-to-day activities
- Be younger than 65 years of age at the time of your first NDIS plan
- Be an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa or a Protected Special Category visa
Have a look at the NDIS eligibility checklist here.
NDIS or Aged Care
If you are living with disability and is eligible to receive support, it is best to apply to access the NDIS as soon as possible. This way, you can begin receiving personalised care and support as you go through life. A 2021 study also found that NDIS participants may receive higher levels of funding support compared to aged care recipients.
If you are older than 65, you can apply for a Home Care Package to help you interact with the community and remain living independently at home.
Leora can assist you, whether you’re receiving support from the NDIS or My Aged Care. Contact us now to start services.
The NDIS guarantees lifetime support, so if you are eligible, it is best to apply to access the NDIS as soon as possible. If you are older than 65, you can apply for a Home Care Package or other aged care services.