What is a wellbeing check-in?

What is a wellbeing check-in?
Published Summary

At Leora, we organise a regular wellbeing check-in with our clients to see how they are going with their services and goals. Keep reading to learn more!

At Leora, we organise a regular wellbeing check-in with our clients to see how they are going with their services and goals. Keep reading to learn more!

Your Care Coordinator

We take pride in the warm relationship we develop with the people in our care. If you are a Leora client, you would have a dedicated Care Coordinator who would be your main point of contact*. You would know exactly whom to call for any issues or questions.

Best of all, your Care Coordinator would know you. They would know your specific needs and preferences – no need to introduce yourself or explain your situation over and over!

*For other services, your main point of contact at Leora can be your Home Care Package (HCP) Care Manager or Accommodation Manager. If you have high-care needs, you will also be assigned a Care Manager-Registered Nurse.

Wellbeing Check-in: What to Expect

Every month, your Care Coordinator will call you for a wellbeing check-in.

The check-in usually takes place over the phone. If you have high-care needs, it can be done in person with your Care Manager-RN, with the frequency decided by you. (This means the check-in can be done more or less than once a month, depending on your needs.)

During the wellbeing check-in, your Care Coordinator will ask you a few questions to:

  • check on how you’re doing
  • ensure you are on track with your health and life goals
  • get your feedback on services
  • confirm upcoming services
  • provide an update on your funding or budget, whether you’re in deficit or if you have a surplus (applicable to NDIS and Home Care Package clients)

You can expect the following questions to be asked during the call or in-person meeting:

  1. Are you happy with the services you are receiving from Leora?
  2. Are you happy with your Leora carers?
  3. Would you like to book additional support services?

What Happens After

Depending on what’s discussed, your Care Coordinator can:

  • pass on the positive feedback to the Leora care team
  • action complaints or incidents
  • revise your schedule of services
  • book more services

Your Care Coordinator will contact you again when your agreement is due for renewal.

Other Ways to Reach Us

A wellbeing check-in is only one of the many channels that Leora provides clients to seek their feedback.

We also send a satisfaction survey every six months, where feedback is followed up and actioned (if needed) right away.

If you need a helping hand, contact our team now to start services with Leora.

A Leora wellbeing check-in can be in person or over the phone.

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