What is medium term accommodation?

Medium term accommodation is one of the different types of home and living supports funded by the NDIS. Funding for medium term accommodation only covers the cost of the accommodation for up to 90 days.
Medium term accommodation is one of the different types of home and living supports funded by the NDIS. Funding for medium term accommodation only covers the cost of the accommodation for up to 90 days.
Think of it as support to serve as a bridge between your old accommodation and your long-term home!
Keep reading to learn more.
Medium term accommodation funding is provided to an NDIS participant so they can have somewhere to live if they can’t move into their long-term accommodation.
You are deemed eligible for this funding if you satisfy all three criteria:
- You have a long-term home you will move into after medium term accommodation.
- You can’t move into your long-term home yet because your disability supports aren’t ready.
- You can’t stay in your current accommodation while you wait for your long-term home.
When would you need medium term accommodation?
Based on these criteria, you can see that medium term accommodation is not a standalone support. It will most likely also be a one-off support.
It will only be included in your plan as part of your other home and living support needs, such as supported independent living or specialist disability accommodation.
You might need medium term accommodation if:
- You’re waiting for your home modifications to be completed.
- You have already secured an SDA apartment, a room in a SIL home or private rental property, but you’re waiting for the current resident to move out before you can move in.
Funding for medium term accommodation doesn’t include daily living costs that are not related to your disability or your disability support needs, such as food, internet or electricity.
It also doesn’t include any personal care supports, or other supports you get in your home. If you need these supports while living in your medium term accommodation, they will be funded separately.
Providing evidence of long-term accommodation
The NDIA won’t approve your medium term accommodation funding if you don’t have a long-term home to move into.
They would request evidence that your new home is confirmed. Documents you can provide include:
- A tenancy agreement (SDA or private rental agreement)
- Letter from a service provider confirming an offer of accommodation and support (such as for a SIL home)
- Evidence of approved modifications to your home or rental property, with completion date
- Copy of your mortgage
Funding for this type of support involves up to 90 days of accommodation.
However, if you can move in straight away or in the next 2-4 weeks into your long-term home, you probably don’t need medium term accommodation. (Which means the NDIA might not approve you for this funding.)
The eligibility requirements for medium term accommodation are different if you are being discharged from hospital or being discharged from the justice system.
What if I am being discharged from hospital?
If you are being discharged from hospital and you are eligible for SDA, SIL, ILO or Home Modifications, you can have funding for Medium Term Accommodation added to your NDIS plan. You do not need to have a confirmed long-term home.
What if I am being discharged from the justice system?
If you are in a justice setting and your expected release is coming up soon, or you are eligible for parole or on remand awaiting appropriate support in the community, the NDIA will meet with you to change your plan to ensure you have the supports you need when you’re released.
If you are eligible for SDA, you can access medium term accommodation if you need to. You don’t need evidence of your long-term home.
What if I’m not eligible for medium term accommodation?
Don’t worry, there may be other home and living supports or other mainstream and community supports that could assist you.
If you’re new to the NDIS, you’ll first have a conversation with your NDIA planner at a planning meeting to discuss your current situation and your home and living goals.
Speak to your support coordinator, local area coordinator or planner for more information.
Looking for your long-term home?
Leora has Supported Independent Living homes in Sydney and Melbourne. We also work with SDA providers to provide 24/7 on-site support. Find out where our properties are and our current vacancies!